GoPro helmet mounts have transformed adventure videography. Enthusiasts love these small yet impactful gadgets. They make capturing rides, jumps, and even city commutes simple. These mounts secure the GoPro camera perfectly. Let’s explore their benefits, types, and installation methods.

gopro helmet mount

The Benefits of Using a GoPro Helmet Mount

Capture Every Moment Hands-Free

A GoPro helmet mount offers the luxury of hands-free recording. This feature enables users to capture every moment. There’s no need to hold a camera. It doesn’t matter if you’re skiing, riding, or biking. The helmet mount keeps your camera secure. You can focus solely on your activity.

Imagine riding through forests or mountain trails. You can record your entire journey safely. All your friends can admire your skillful maneuvers. Your camera stays fixed on your helmet. So, there’s no worry about missing that perfect shot.

Improved Stability and Better Angles

Using a mount also improves video stability. Manual handling can cause shaky footage. The GoPro helmet mount eliminates this issue. It secures the camera tightly. As a result, you get smooth, clear videos.

Additionally, these mounts offer different angles. You can place the camera on the top or side of your helmet. These varying positions provide unique perspectives. You can capture downward or forward-facing shots. Thus, your videos will be more dynamic and engaging.

Maximizing the GoPro’s Functionality

A GoPro helmet mount maximizes the functionality of your action camera. GoPros are known for their durability and high-quality output. Using a helmet mount enhances these features.

Mounts are typically weatherproof. They endure rain, snow, and dust. This feature guarantees longevity and consistent performance. Therefore, your camera remains protected in harsh conditions.

Types of GoPro Helmet Mounts


The top-mounted GoPro helmet mount is very popular. It sits on the top center of your helmet. This position offers a direct, first-person view. It captures everything you see. The best part is the natural perspective it offers. Your footage will look like a genuine representation of your experience.

Top-mounted helmets are perfect for bikers and snowboarders. The mount is easy to install. It uses strong adhesive pads or Velcro straps. So, it stays secure even on rough terrains. The camera remains unshaken regardless of the activity.


Side-mounted helmet mounts offer a unique angle. They attach to the side of your helmet. This setup captures off-center footage. The shots provide a different perspective. You’ll get a more panoramic view of your surroundings.

These mounts are versatile. They offer excellent stability. Like top-mounted versions, they use adhesive pads or straps. The mount sticks securely. You can rest assured your GoPro won’t fall off.


Chin-mounted GoPro helmet mounts attach under the chin area. They offer a point-of-view angle. This perspective mimics the viewpoint of your eyes. The positioning is quite similar to wearing a headlamp.

Chin-mounted versions are popular in motocross and cycling. The positioning lowers wind resistance. As a result, you get more stabilized footage. It’s also great for narrating your videos. Your voice is closer to the microphone. So, audio quality improves.

Full-Face Helmet Mounts

Full-face helmet mounts cater to specific helmets. They are designed for full-face types like those used in motocross. These mounts provide several attachment points.

You can position the mount on the top, side, or chin. This versatility allows for experimentation. You can switch angles without changing the mount. This feature offers immense convenience.

How to Install a GoPro Helmet Mount

Preparing Your Equipment

Before installation, gather all necessary equipment. You’ll need your GoPro, adhesive pads, and the mount. Some kits may include additional screws or straps. Make sure your helmet is clean. Dirt and grime can affect adhesive strength. A clean surface ensures better adhesion.

Installing a Top Mount

To install a top mount, align the mount with the top center of your helmet. Peel off the adhesive backing. Press the mount firmly in place. Hold it for several minutes. This ensures the adhesive bonds strongly. Allow it to set for 24 hours before use.

Installing a Side Mount

For a side mount, the process is slightly different. Choose the side you prefer. Align the mount, ensuring it’s level. Apply adhesive pads or Velcro straps. Press it firmly. Give it some time to set properly.

Installing a Chin Mount

Chin mounts require special attention. Position the mount below your chin area. Make sure it doesn’t obstruct your view. Apply adhesive pads securely. Press it into place. Check for a secure fit. Wait for a day before attaching your GoPro.

Installing Full-Face Mounts

For full-face helmet mounts, you have more options. Choose where you want the camera. It could be the top, side, or chin. Follow the same adhesive pad application. Press it firmly and let it set. Full-face mounts often come with additional securing mechanisms. Use them for extra stability.

gopro helmet mount

Tips for Enhancing Your Footage

Proper Angle Adjustment

Getting that perfect shot requires optimal angle adjustment. A slight tilt can make a huge difference. Use the GoPro app to preview your shots. This feature helps you adjust the angle in real-time. Don’t shy away from experimenting. Try different positions till you find the best one.

Using Anti-Fog Inserts

GoPro helmet mounts can sometimes face condensation issues. This especially happens in cold weather. Use anti-fog inserts. These are small packs that fit inside the housing. They prevent fogging and keep your footage clear.

Securing Extra Protection

Sometimes additional protection is necessary. Extreme sports can be unpredictable. Use tethers or lanyards for added security. Attach them to your GoPro and helmet. These will prevent losing your camera in case the mount fails.

Checking Before Each Adventure

Always check your mount before heading out. Ensure the adhesive is still strong. Tighten any screws or straps. A quick check can save you from losing valuable footage.

Best Practices for Safety and Maintenance

Ensuring a Secure Fit

Safety comes first. Make sure your helmet mount is secure. Loose mounts can be dangerous. They can distract you during activities. Test the mount’s stability. Give it a good shake. If it wobbles, re-adjust it.

Regular Cleaning

Dirt and grime accumulation can weaken the adhesive. Clean both the helmet and mount regularly. Use a mild cleaning solution. Avoid harsh chemicals. They can damage the mount and adhesive.

Storing Properly

When not in use, store your helmet and GoPro mount properly. Keep them in a cool, dry place. Extreme temperatures can affect the adhesive and plastic. Proper storage ensures longevity.

Replacing Worn-Out Parts

Adhesive pads and straps wear out over time. Replace them periodically. Most GoPro mount kits have spare parts. Don’t risk using worn-out components. It compromises safety and footage quality.

GoPro Helmet Mount Accessories

Extension Arms

Extension arms allow more flexible positioning. They extend the mount, offering varied angles. You can attach them between the mount and the GoPro. These arms are adjustable. They give you a wide range of motion.

Quick-Release Clamps

Quick-release clamps make detaching your GoPro easy. They attach between the helmet mount and camera. A single click lets you remove the camera. This feature is useful for quick transitions. You can switch from helmet to handheld seamlessly.

Swivel Mounts

Swivel mounts provide 360-degree rotation. These mounts let you adjust angles on the go. They are perfect for dynamic shooting. You can switch from front to side view effortlessly.

Anti-Vibration Stabilizers

For extra stability, use anti-vibration stabilizers. These accessories reduce camera shake. They mount between the GoPro and helmet mount. Your footage will be smooth and stable. This is crucial for high-speed activities.

gopro helmet mount


GoPro helmet mounts revolutionize how we capture adventures. From top-mounted to full-face mounts, the choice is diverse. Each type offers unique benefits and angles. Installing these mounts is straightforward. Follow the guidelines to ensure a secure fit. Don’t forget to explore accessories. They enhance your footage quality. Regular maintenance and safety checks are essential. With a GoPro helmet mount, your adventures turn into high-quality memories.